Date: 29/02/2020 (Rajab 05, 1441)
Venue: Cantonments Police Mosque, Accra

Meeting started at 4pm
1. Current status of IFRIG by Director of Research, Ali Shaibu.
Introduced IFRIG as a subgroup under Ghana Islamic Bank Ideas (GIBI), mentioning its CORE FUNCTIONS and STRUCTURE, then touching on the Acquisition of Office Space and finally on the Institute’s WEBSITE which is up and running

2. Data Collection Status by Brother Shaban who indicated that so far, over 800 hard copy versions of the questionnaires have been sent out, with 350 received as at the time of meeting. He further indicated that over 1500 responses have been logged so far from the online versions of the questionnaire
2 more brothers opted to help him with the coordination of the data collection aspect of the research work.
3. Research Publication – Presentation by Ali Shaibu which showed that there’s a need for a sustained education on what Islamic Finance is in the country, even though people are willing to take chances on it.
4. Opportunities in the pipeline- by Ali Shaibu, who indicated that opportunities similar to the one we had last year with the Dubai chamber of commerce are in the pipeline and made mention of one that came up last December for an international conference but due to logistics, we had to forego and in shaa Allah, we will be ready to take it up this year, so members should keep on working hard and be praying for more favourable outcomes.
5. Launching of IFRIG
It was unanimously agreed that we give ourselves at least 3 years to build our Human Resources before we launch IFRIG officially to the watching world. And in the interim, we carry on with our research works.
6. AOB
Questions and answers were asked and meeting came to an end at exactly 545pm with a closing prayer.

Categories: News